Perry’s made a smart move by grabbing the new third rail in American politics—the anti-Washington sentiment consuming fly-over country (that part of the U.S. that is so unsophisticated because it dares to exercise independent judgment). Perry’s support for HCR 50 and his press conference Tuesday have made him the darling of conservative media: Limbaugh, Ingraham, Hannity and even Drudge devoted extensive coverage to his support for the “dead” 10th amendment.
But, is there any doubt when Perry speaks of “Washington” he really means “Kay?” While I fully agree with the Governor and applaud his actions, where has he been until now? Is it genuine indignation or is it simply Perry’s cynical attempt to court the far right? It’s a legitimate question because of his timing and the fact that one can hardly characterize KBH as part of the problem…
While KBH did vote for the first round of TARP bailouts, so did Sen. Cornyn and 72 others. Since this time, she has been on the front lines opposing Obama’s reckless spending proposal, having voted against additional TARP spending, against the stimulus, against the omnibus spending bill and against Obama’s budget (after having sponsored the GOP alternative with deficit hawks McCain and Coburn).
No wonder he speaks of “Washington” rather than “Kay.” He’s trying to run against her, but he can’t. If he spoke of Kay, he would reveal how they are essentially lock-step in the fight against excessive government spending and growth.