Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Me too...

KBH announced she opposed the Cash for Clunkers plan and voted against its extension last week.

Hutchison said, "Whatever short-term gain we might receive from this spending is more than outweighed by the long-term debt and financial burden we are passing on to future generations .... We don't even have a report on how much has been spent on this program, nor reliable estimates of future requirements. It would be irresponsible to pass on another $2 billion with so little information."

Not to be left out, Perry spokesman Mark Miner quickly announced Perry's opposition to the federal program. (link)

Whether political posturing or not, both win points with this blogger for opposing such a waste of money...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Ms. Senator...

Happy Birthday to Sen. Hutchison who turns 66 years old today. (Link)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Rasmussen 2012 Hypo Match-ups

Obama, Romney Tied at 45%;

Obama 48%, Palin 42%

If the election were held today, Obama would be in trouble...

Texas Pols Waiting for Hutch to Make a Move

The Amarillo Globe-News' Enrique Rangel notes that more than a dozen Texas politicians are waiting with bated breath for KBH to resign from the Senate. http://www.amarillo.com/stories/072009/new_news6.shtml.

According to the column, KBH is facing pressure from fellow GOP senators to stay put for a while, but she also needs to return to Texas if she hopes to win next year's primary battle against Perry.

All the while, a cadre Texas GOPers are lining up to run for KBH's Senate seat:

"Republicans who would like to take her seat are: Republicans Lt. Gov. David David Dewhurst, Railroad Commissioners Elizabeth Ames Jones and Michael Williams, state Sen. Florence Shapiro and former Texas Secretary of State Roger Williams. The Democrats are former State Comptroller John Sharp and Houston Mayor Bill White. All these folks have or can raise the money needed to run credible campaigns.

But that is not the end of the story. Just as Dewhurst is counting on Hutchison to resign so that he can announce his candidacy, other folks want to know if he will not seek re-election so they can run for lieutenant governor, especially Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, a fellow Republican.

And if Abbott runs for lieutenant governor, former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz and state Rep. Dan Branch of Dallas, both Republicans, hope to succeed him. In the Democratic camp, state Sen. Royce West of Dallas also is expected to run for attorney general."

Rumor has it that KBH would prefer fellow Dallasite Florence Shapiro replace her in the Senate.

According to the Texas Election Code, §§ 204.003 and 204.005, if Hutchison resigns on or before Dec. 30, 2009, a special election will be held for the remainder of her unexpired term (ending Jan 2013). Under Texas law, the special election would be held on May 8, 2010 (Tex. Elec. Code § 41.001). If she resigns after Dec. 30, 2009, her replacement will be determined on November 3, 2010. In either event, Perry will make an interim replacement if Congress is in session.

It is this blogger’s opinion that a special election would be advantageous to Republicans generally and KBH specifically. A truncated primary would ameliorate the inevitable in-fighting among all of the Republican candidates. Plus, the time limitations prevent Houston Mayor Bill White from gaining the state-wide name recognition he would need to even be competitive.

For KBH, a special election for HER seat keeps her the focus of the news cycle while crowding Perry out.

Perry Visits Iraq ... Again

Perry and three other governors visited Iraq over the weekend following an invitation from the Defense Department. http://www.star-telegram.com/state_news/story/1494826.html. On Saturday night, Perry dined with members of the Texas National Guard by flashlight, and he jokingly described it as "a romantic setting."

This visit, Perry's second to Iraq this year, leads one to wonder ... Is Perry running for governor or president? One thing at a time Governor....

Interestingly, Perry was accompanied by another possible 2012 contender, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty. The two-term Pawlenty recently ruled out running for a third term saying, "Being governor should not be a permanent position." http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2009/06/minnesota-gov-tim-pawlenty-wont-run-for-reelection-is-presidential-bid-in-the-wind.html. Do you think he discussed his views with Perry?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Texas Civil War

DMN is reporting that more than two dozen of Perry's big donors have switched to Hutchison during the last six months. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/texassouthwest/legislature/stories/DN-govmoney_16tex.ART.State.Edition1.4bc51b9.html. Adding insult to injury, some of the donors are Perry appointees:

"Ned Holmes of Houston, a Perry appointee to the Texas Transportation Commission, gave $77,000 to Hutchison, campaign finance reports released Wednesday show. Robert Rowling of Dallas, who gave $100,000 to Hutchison, was on the University of Texas Board of Regents, and Charles Tate of Houston, also a $100,000 giver to Hutchison, used to be on Perry's Council for Science and Biotechnology."

The DMN article goes on to explain this Texas showdown is dividing families and individuals. In some cases, husbands and wives are supporting different candidates. In other cases, individuals have donated to both Perry and Hutchison.

It's a good thing there's plenty of $$ in this state....

Monday, July 13, 2009

Kay Is In It To Win It

DMN reports KBH has raised $6.7 million since January and has $12.5 million cash on hand in her epic race against Perry.  http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/politics/state/stories/071309dntexhutchison.38c8b5be.htmlThis is a $2.4 million greater than Perry, and KBH also has a $3.2 million cash-on-hand advantage.  $6.7 million is also more than any other Texas Republican (save GWB) has raised in one reporting period.  KBH also said at a Dallas press conference Monday that she will formally announce her candidacy next month.  Looks like Kay is coming out swinging.  

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Palin to Campaign for Perry

The Washington Times is reporting that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will campaign for Perry in next year's primary.  http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jul/12/palin-stump-conservative-democrats/.  It's interesting that the article indicates he is the only politician so far to be eager to have Palin campaign for him.  Is Rick feeling nervous?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Quote of the Day

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” – Margaret Thatcher

By Pleasing Everyone, Rick Pleases No One

Perry finally called for the highly-expected special session last week and has set what can only be described as a very modest agenda. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/texassouthwest/stories/DN-xgrspecial_29tex.ART.State.Edition2.4bdc262.html

Perry has upset conservatives by not taking up the Voter ID bill from the past session. Likewise, democrats are upset he has refused to take up expansion of the state's subsidized children's health insurance program. And, he has upset everyone by refusing to address property tax relief.

Apparently, Perry has determined that no news is preferable to bad news coming out of a special session. With political calculations like this, KBH will have an easy time making him out to be an ineffective leader.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pawlenty: Three Terms Is One Too Many

Minnesota Governor, and possible GOP 2012 presidential contender, Tim Pawlenty recently told Sean Hannity three terms as governor is one too many: “I’ve talked to a lot of governors that have served three terms without naming names, I think in their quiet or private moments, confidentially, they’d say you know it wasn’t their best effort that last term. And so I learned long ago … that there’s less joy and more trouble in that last slice of pizza or that last glass of beer.”

One wonders if Gov. Perry has considered the agony and ecstasy of his last slice of pizza. He’s running for a third term, and if he wins, individuals who were not born when he became governor will be in high school when he leaves office. It should be a sobering thought for someone who believes so strongly in limited government.

For the transcript of the Pawlenty interview, link to: http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2009/06/pawlenty-three-terms-for-a-gov.html

Quote of the Day

“All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmond Burke

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

DMN Declares KBH the Winner of Legislative Session

DMN’s Wayne Slater and Christy Hope posit that KBH may be the true winner of this Texas legislative session, http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/060209dntexgovsession.48cb1d5.html.  During the 140 days, the leg failed to address important issues such as property taxes, homeowner’s insurance rates and uninsured Texas children.  They argue the lethargic session illustrates her line of attached:  A lack of leadership by Perry. 

She pounced:  In a statement, Hutchison said, "Our state leads the country in some undesirable categories: high school dropout rates, homeowner insurance rates, utility rates, access to healthcare and property taxes. Yet these issues weren't addressed…. Effective leadership requires engagement and involvement.” http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2009/06/kay-bailey-hutchison-weighs-in.html 

Rush Limbaugh Becomes Honorary Texan

This blogger found it interesting while listening to Rush last Friday that he mentioned he had to fly to Houston that evening. Why you ask? To become an Honorary Texan—an honor bestowed by Rick Perry. During a presentation Perry said, “God bless Rush Limbaugh.” No matter whom you support in this race, the only thing to say is, “Amen.” http://www.alternet.org/rss/4/58661

KBH Troubled By Sotomayer's "Racist" Comments

KBH, likely in an effort to “court” conservative voters, hasn’t warmed to B. Hussein Obama’s first SCOTUS nominee Sonia Sotomayer.  KBH called Sotomayer’s now-infamous “wise Latina” comment as “troubling,” but she wouldn’t go so far as to call her a “racist.”  Politico reports: “Hutchison took issue Sotomayor’s statement about a ‘wise Latina’ judge making better decisions than a white male judge. ‘It does trouble me to say that one type of old person versus another one is going to make a better decision…Those are troubling [statements,]’ Hutchison said. 

However, the Texas senator made clear she was not interested in leveling the charges of racism bandied about by conservative talk show host Rush Limbuagh and former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.). ‘I definitely think we need to have the respectful tone…Arguing the facts, not trying to label someone I think is important and I think going forward that’s what you will see from the senators that are involved in the process,’ Hutchison said.” http://www.politico.com/blogs/politicolive/0509/Subdued_Hutchison_Wise_Latina_comment_troubling_.html?showall 

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What a Turnout?

Perry's strategy seems to be pandering to this group of Republican primary voters (http://www.statesman.com/news/content/region/legislature/stories/04/27/0427perry.html). Unfortunately, this event looked more like a scene out of Amy Poehler's new show "Parks and Recreation" than a legitimate political rally. Seems to me that this type of strategy has failed in the past, and if this week's turnout is any indication, KBH may have an easier time than expected.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What Stimulus? That Stimulus?

A reader just wrote and asked me why “no one is calling Governor Perry out on the fact that accepted 97% of the stimulus. How can he stand at these TEA Parties and rail against Washington spending with a straight face?” The reader brings up an excellent question: Why isn't anyone calling Perry out for this?

Harvey Kronberg wrote about how he accepted 97% back in March when Perry turned down the unemployment money ($555 million), but no reporters seem to have written about the irony of Perry flying around the state today to attend all of these parties http://www.news8austin.com/content/commentary/on_the_agenda/?ArID=235037&SecID=76.

In all, Perry accepted $17 billion in federal funds from the stimulus package (97% of what Texas was eligible to receive)! I wonder how much tea that could buy?

Happy Tea Party Day!

Perry’s made a smart move by grabbing the new third rail in American politics—the anti-Washington sentiment consuming fly-over country (that part of the U.S. that is so unsophisticated because it dares to exercise independent judgment). Perry’s support for HCR 50 and his press conference Tuesday have made him the darling of conservative media: Limbaugh, Ingraham, Hannity and even Drudge devoted extensive coverage to his support for the “dead” 10th amendment.

But, is there any doubt when Perry speaks of “Washington” he really means “Kay?” While I fully agree with the Governor and applaud his actions, where has he been until now? Is it genuine indignation or is it simply Perry’s cynical attempt to court the far right? It’s a legitimate question because of his timing and the fact that one can hardly characterize KBH as part of the problem…

While KBH did vote for the first round of TARP bailouts, so did Sen. Cornyn and 72 others. Since this time, she has been on the front lines opposing Obama’s reckless spending proposal, having voted against additional TARP spending, against the stimulus, against the omnibus spending bill and against Obama’s budget (after having sponsored the GOP alternative with deficit hawks McCain and Coburn).

No wonder he speaks of “Washington” rather than “Kay.” He’s trying to run against her, but he can’t. If he spoke of Kay, he would reveal how they are essentially lock-step in the fight against excessive government spending and growth.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Golden Rule

We may have our first election scandal of the 2010 governor's race, but it involves fundraising from 2006, http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2009/04/bob-perry-to-rick-perry-follow.html.

The DMN reported today that lawyers for Perry and the Republican Governors' Association are denying the RGA was used as a straw-man for a $1 million contribution from Houston homebuilder Bob Perry to Rick.

Perry's 2006 dem challenger, the disgruntled Chris Bell, is suing in district court in Austin. He claims Perry accepted this clandestine $1 million while he was slapping Bell around the state for accepting $1 million from a Texas trial lawyer.

While Bell is known as a sore loser, it's surprising he hasn't yet accepted the golden rule of politics: Do unto others before they can do unto you.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Politicians Who Save Their Pennies...

The Orange [Texas] Leader reported yesterday that KBH has secured $2 million in funding for post-Ike public beach debris removal http://www.orangeleader.com/government/local_story_098164146.html.

Meanwhile, the Leader also reported that Perry has requested "lawmakers enhance Texas' recovery efforts related to the 2008 hurricane season..." http://www.orangeleader.com/government/local_story_098164310.html. Specifically, Perry has requested that FEMA extend the deadline for 100 percent federal reimbursement for debris removal for an additional six months, ending October 26.

This race to the beach demonstrates the one possible advantage KBH has by being "in Washington" in a political climate when it's not popular to be associated with our nation's capital: All she has to do is make a call to secure millions of federal dollars for Texans. And, KBH will always be better situated to receive federal money than Perry. For this reason, one wonders if her time in DC will actually serve as a political help rather than hindrance next year. Will Texans, celebrated for their fierce independence and frontier mentalities, be seduced by Kay's access to Uncle Sam's PIN number?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's My Party...


Christy Hoppe of the DMN reports this morning that Gov. Perry is wearing thin among GOP state legislators. Exhibit A: House Republicans are supporting a constitutional amendment that would allow the legislature to return to Austin post-session to override a governor’s veto (something not possible to date in Texas). This amendment has passed the state House, but now it faces the Senate and a ballot referendum in November.

While Republican lawmakers may be unhappy with Perry and his tendency to veto popular legislation, they need to take a deep breath before they proceed. The governor, as a statewide-elected official, has the ability to make an objective, deliberative evaluation of legislation and decide whether such legislation is good for Texans. Removing this roadblock could be disastrous for Texas public policy and especially state spending. No matter who is governor in 2011, he or she should have the ability to veto frivolous and wasteful legislation without the legislature sneaking back to Austin to override him or her. Everyone knows someone has to save legislators from themselves.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it." - Milton Friedman

Nobody Puts Kay in a Corner

A few weeks ago, TxSkirt wrote about the KBH/Perry showdown and its potential to fracture the party http://txskirt.com/?p=83. I don't disagree with her. I too haven't decided whether to support Hutchison or Perry in next year's primary... I like/dislike things about both candidates. Nonetheless, I find it curious that everyone seems to think KBH is the one setting up this colossal battle. Is she supposed to stay in the Senate forever? Neither she nor Texans want this, and Perry could just as easily have stepped aside. George Washington wasn't term limited either, but he thought two, four-year terms were plenty of power for one man.

Plus, Cornyn has obtained a leadership position in Republican Senate caucus, meaning that even if she leaves, TX won't suffer from lack of seniority. And the chance of Texans electing a dem to replace KHB is low. So Texans' interests will continue to be well-represented in the US Senate. I guess what I'm saying is, let's bring some commerce to the office of Governor and elect the best man, or woman, for the job. No one should be afraid to have his or her photo taken with either candidate.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quote of the Day

"It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings.  Where there's service, there is someone being served.  The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master." - Ayn Rand

Obama voters beware...

Borderline ...

The San Angelo Standard Times recently reported that more than $79 million in the past four years designated for border security has been diverted to non-border related law enforcement. Rather than border security, the funds were used to purchase more than 200 new police cars and even a $7.4 million helicopter for use across the state.  The funds were spent by various state agencies including the Governor's Division of Emergency Management.

The story also explains that Perry has requested an additional $110 million from the Legislature to fight border violence.  In the meantime, Hutchison is cosponsoring an amendment to provide $550 million in federal funding to beef up border security in FY 2010.  The amendment includes "$260 million for Customs and Border Protection to hire, train, equip and deploy 1,600 officers and 400 canine teams to the border to significantly increase the number of exit inspections.

In other words, I see your $110 million and raise you $440 million. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

If U Seek Ashley


VP Joe Biden, the man who coined the phrase "Drug Czar" and likes to brag about how he added 100,000 police officers to the beat, apparently forgot to police at home. His daughter, Ashley Biden, has allegedly been caught on video pulling a Scarface at a Delaware house party. While some allege it was a setup, no one forced her face into the blow.

Where are the drive-by media on this story? If it were one of the Bush twins, Larry King would have already devoted a week to coverage.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Living in a Material World...


The hullabaloo (pun-intended) surrounding Perry's $50 million grant [read: earmark] to Texas A&M from the state's Emerging Technology Fund illustrates the danger of shady money in politics. Only after Perry was caught with his hands in the cookie jar is the state legislature going to do something about it.

Both Perry and Hutch should eschew any earmarks, grants, etc. All appropriations should be thoroughly vetted and meet taxpayer approval.

Obama Motors

So is President Obama really the new acting CEO of GM? If so, Mr. Obama I would like my Tahoe in charcoal. He's giving everyone new cars, right?

Rush Limbaugh said its just an attempt to shift total control of GM to the UAW.

Will Perry or Hutch stand up against the federal government taking over private industries and rewarding failure?

That's Hot


The Houston Chronicle quotes UVA political scientist Larry Sabato as saying, should KBH win next year's primary, she'll become a "very hot property." So hot, in fact, Sabato said she would catapult to the top of the GOP VP list. My question: Why stop at VP Kay?

Quote of the Day

"The facts of life are conservative." - Margaret Thatcher

Friday, March 27, 2009

Palin v. Hutchison?


Who would have thought a three-week old post on KBH’s website would ignite such a furor? I think the point is its no surprise Palin would endorse Perry. Plus, endorsements generally don’t influence elections—even an endorsement from someone as popular as Palin. I think the media just want to see a good, old-fashioned cat fight.

Quote of the Day

"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." - Ronald Reagan

Welcome to Texas Vote 'Em

Governor James Richard "Rick" Perry and U.S. Senator Kathyrn Ann "Kay" Bailey Hutchison are ready to rumble in the high stakes game of chance that is the 2010 Texas GOP gubernatorial primary. Visit often for updates on what will surely be the most hotly contested primary election of the decade.